Saturday, May 20, 2023

Day +65: Windy Roads, Coffee and Wings

This has been a big week. Yes, Matthew graduated from college. And yes Noah finished up his freshman year at Lehigh. And yes they’re both home. And that's great.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. 

This week I started having coffee again! Man, I missed coffee. But what makes it a big week is not just that I got to drink the coffee, but that it tastes like, well, coffee. Which is a big deal. For the better part of two months food just hasn’t tasted good with very limited exceptions. And that made eating more of a chore than something to look forward to. But somewhere around day 54 or 55, food started tasting more like its normal self, and my appetite simultaneously returned. I started looking forward to dinner instead of dreading just making it through it. And tonight was the culmination of that when Stacy used her new air fryer to make a variety of really tasty chicken wings. Yum. 

In the long serpentine path to recovery, it’s another corner to turn. I remember talking to my brother, maybe around day 35 or so and I was having a particularly challenging weekend. But the next day, it felt like my energy levels were climbing and I had turned a corner. Then last week, I started working and with that, I turned another corner. And now my taste buds are back and that’s yet another corner turned. I'm still a long way from recovered, and  the challenge with a winding road is that it’s really hard to see what corners like ahead. I know there are more to come but here at day 65 I feel like the path is perhaps straightening out a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on Matthew's graduation! And congratulations on navigating all the corners so far. What a difference to be able to look forward to tasty treats again.
