Monday, March 13, 2023

Day -3 and counting

We all know that the road to recovery, any recovery, is not a straight line. Each day is filled with its ups and downs, its twists and curves. That's about how it goes here. As we are wrapping up the third day of chemo, the side effects have been minimal, but real and we're dealing with them (GI issues/mild nausea, if you were wondering). One of the hardest things is being constantly tethered to my IV pole. Although the chemo doesn't take all day, when it's not running, I'm getting fluids 24/7. And there are the physical challenges of the constant fluid intake -- namely that outtake matches intake so it's not a lot of consecutive hours of sleep -- but as always it's the mental challenges that is as or more difficult.

Everything takes longer with an infusion pole. From the simple act of getting up from my chair, to the more obstacle-like event of walking the 95 steps that take me from door-to-door in our pod unit -- it just takes more time. And that is frustrating, particularly for someone as impatient as me.  But there's only about 48 hours more of constant fluids, hopefully, then we might get a little break.

Next week is going to be hard, as the effects of the four days of the chemo may knock me out a bit, but then again, maybe it won't. 

Will update as I can.


  1. Go Michael Go! You got this - one day at a time!

  2. Keep up the struggle, Michael. We love you. Uncle Alan and Aunt Ann. ❤️
