Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Day + 19: Home at Last

 Man, it's good to be home. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday as my white blood cell counts continue to climb. Although I couldn't leave without a quick infusion of platelets. As I might have said before, white blood cells recover first and red blood cells and platelets lag behind. They'll eventually climb back.

Out of the Woods and Into the Forest

Coming home is a big step for sure and I'm feeling great but  still managing a few side effects, appetite, nausea and fatigue namely, but overall, I did really well with my first step in this long process. But it is a long process. The in-patient process - the chemo and the infusion of new stem cells is just the beginning of the journey. It's great to have tolerated the first step, but having cleared the woods, the forest looms as we begin the home isolation process. Maybe looms is too strong a word, but as I leave the protective enclave of floor 4C, as I enter the world ever so cautiously, we still have another 81 days (give or take) until we are clear of this next step. Day +100 is when things open up. The food precautions lift a little bit; the isolation requirement eases a bit; life starts to get a little more normal. But we were reminded of how even the little things can pose unforeseen challenges. Today, on my first day at home, I got a paper cut from opening a box of crackers. Not a big deal... unless you are very low on platelets which makes clotting a challenge; unless you are at risk for infection. Fortunately, we dealt with it, but it was a quick reminder that I need to be careful even in what were usually 

Things I Was Looking Forward To

Back on Day +4, I said that I was looking forward to when coming home were, in this order:

Cracking open a window; Going outside; Company; My dogs; My smart TV; Food. Fortunately, the weather cooperated and on my first day home, I was able to spend some time outside, with the dogs and Stacy, just chatting and enjoying the fresh air. We took a walk around the block -- much better than 28 laps around the floor. And Stacy cooked a chicken panang dish that we love with fresh vegetables and rice and it tasted great. Plus, a little Ben & Jerry's for dessert. Yum. And I'm writing this as I'm watching the Red Sox lose to the Pirates on a TV that I can actually see. So check, check, check, check, check. 

On the pictures at left, that's me and Buttercup - don't let her smile fool you. She's not overly happy to see me; she just loves to be outside and run. Below, Rocco, our needy child who is very happy to have me home.


  1. You look so happy, just like a man who’s been sprung. You sound grateful for the moment. ❤️ Uncle Alan.

  2. So great to see that you’re home! you and the pups look delighted. All steps in the right direction.

  3. I love your sense of perspective through all this and your appreciation for what you have at any given moment. And the paper cut? Knowing it ended up OK, it actually made me chuckle. One of life’s little annoyances your first day home - lucky you.

  4. Nothing like going home from the hospital, even if it is a sort of confinement. I heard that you showed up at the department standup this week -- that's a bit much, even for a Type A like you! don't push it! But I'm so glad you're excelling in this phase so far. we're all thrilled to hear this.

    1. Thanks Richard! Great to be home. Still battling a little nausea and other minor stuff but energy is pretty decent. Hope you're well into the booze and books.

  5. Congratulations on getting home! I’m sure you will appreciate the out doors more after being in that hospital room for so long. K-Ca

    1. You know it, K! Although it's a bit chilly today (40s), it's climbing into 60s and 70s in a few days. Ah, New England.

  6. Great that you're home! Keep building those cells, platelets, and strength! Jennifer B.

  7. Great that you're home! Keep building those cells, platelets, and strength!

  8. Amazing to hear you're home (and perhaps more amazing) the weather decided to cooperate. Cheers to more baseball games and those beautiful spring/summer nights 🍻
